File #: BL2024-600   
Type: Bill (Ordinance) Status: Passed
File created: 10/17/2024 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 12/3/2024 Final action: 12/3/2024
Title: An ordinance approving a greenway conservation easement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, and Oldham PropCo, LLC for greenway improvements at 304 Oldham Street (Parcel No. 08211015000) (Proposal No. 2024M-038AG-001).
Sponsors: Sean Parker, Delishia Porterfield, Brenda Gadd, Jennifer Gamble, Ginny Welsch, Burkley Allen, Terry Vo, Sandy Ewing
Attachments: 1. Exhibit


An ordinance approving a greenway conservation easement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, and Oldham PropCo, LLC for greenway improvements at 304 Oldham Street (Parcel No. 08211015000) (Proposal No. 2024M-038AG-001).


WHEREAS, Oldham PropCo, LLC (“Owner") owns property located at 304 Oldham Street (Parcel No. 08211015000); and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to the greenway conservation easement attached hereto as Exhibit A, Owner proposes to donate, and the Metropolitan Government proposes to accept a conservation greenway easement; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 66-9-305 and Metropolitan Charter § 2.01, the Metropolitan Government may accept donations of property interests for the purpose of establishing greenways and providing the public with recreational opportunities in natural areas; and,

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that this greenway conservation easement agreement be approved.


Section 1. That the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein is hereby approved, and the Director of Public Property is authorized to execute the same.

Section 2. The Director of Public Property, or his designee, is authorized to accept and record the greenway conservation easement agreement and to take such reasonable actions as may be necessary to carry out the intent of this ordinance.

Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its final passage, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County requiring it.

Agenda Analysis



This ordinance accepts a greenway conservation easement for property located at 304 Oldham Street, owned by Oldham PropCo, LLC. The easement contains approximately 0.1554 acres.


Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated section 66-9-305 and Metropolitan Charter section 2.01, the Metropolitan Government may accept donations of property interests for the purpose of establishing greenways and providing the public with recreational opportunities in natural areas.


This ordinance has been approved by the Planning Commission. There is no cost to Metro to acquire the easement.


Fiscal Note: There is no cost to Metro to acquire this conservation easement.