File #: BL2022-1122   
Type: Bill (Ordinance) Status: Passed
File created: 2/21/2022 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: Final action: 5/17/2022
Title: An ordinance to amend Titles 2 and 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, to amend Chapters 17.24 and 17.28 pertaining to Tree Protection and Replacement, and to amend Chapters 2.226, 17.04, 17.12, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, and 17.40 to make associated housekeeping amendments, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2022Z-005TX-001).
Sponsors: Angie Henderson, Kathleen Murphy, Brett Withers, Burkley Allen, Thom Druffel, Emily Benedict, Joy Styles, Mary Carolyn Roberts, Delishia Porterfield
Attachments: 1. Substitute BL2022-1122, 2. Amendment No. 1 to BL2022-1122
An ordinance to amend Titles 2 and 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, to amend Chapters 17.24 and 17.28 pertaining to Tree Protection and Replacement, and to amend Chapters 2.226, 17.04, 17.12, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, and 17.40 to make associated housekeeping amendments, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2022Z-005TX-001).

WHEREAS, Metro Nashville and Davidson County is characterized by rolling hills, steep bluffs, valleys, floodplains, forests, and numerous rivers and streams; and

WHEREAS, NashvilleNext, Metro's General Plan adopted in 2015, identifies such natural areas as important community assets that provide benefits including enhancing air and water quality, moderating temperature, providing wildlife habitat, and better quality of life for residents; and

WHEREAS, NashvilleNext identifies the importance of sensitive development techniques to minimize hazards associated with development in natural areas and to balance preservation and development to create resiliency; and

WHEREAS, allowing for flexibility in development patterns within existing zoning allowances can help to achieve goals to balance development with protection and conservation of sensitive natural areas; and

WHEREAS, updating the standards of the zoning code pertaining to the cluster lot option will help ensure that flexibility of lot size and development pattern are appropriately balanced and linked with the quantity and quality of natural area conservation achieved by the proposed development.

WHEREAS, the creation of 17.12.090 Conservation Development acknowledges that trees are a natural area worthy of protection.

WHEREAS, the consolidation of tree protection standards in a single Chapter of the code ensures the consistent implementation of environmental standards.


Section 1. That Chapter 2.226 of the Metropolitan Code is hereby amended by...

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