File #: RS2025-1007   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: A resolution approving a first amendment to the criteria for Operating Support and Thrive grants for the Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission, approved by RS2025-961.
Sponsors: Delishia Porterfield, Brenda Gadd, Ginny Welsch, Zulfat Suara
Attachments: 1. Exhibit


A resolution approving a first amendment to the criteria for Operating Support and Thrive grants for the Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission, approved by RS2025-961.


WHEREAS, Section 2.112.040(H) of the Metropolitan Code of Laws allows the Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission (“Arts Commission”) to award funds appropriated to it by the Metropolitan Council to deserving nonprofit civic and nonprofit charitable organizations; and,

WHEREAS, Section 2.112.040(H) of the Metropolitan Code of Laws requires that criteria for awarding funds to arts organizations shall be established by the Arts Commission and approved by resolution of the Metropolitan Council; and,

WHEREAS, the Arts Commission voted to approve the criteria for Operating Support and Thrive grants on December 5th, 2024, with additional policies approved by the Arts Commission on January 16th, 2025; and,

WHEREAS, RS2025-961 approved the criteria for Operating Support and Thrive grants; and,

WHEREAS, this first amendment to the criteria for Operating Support and Thrive grants clarifies the grant performance period is to June 30, 2025, with closeout reports due on July 15, 2025; and,

WHEREAS, approval of the first amendment to the criteria for Operating Support and Thrive grants is in the best interest of the citizens of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.


Section 1.                     That the first amendment to the criteria for Operating Support and Thrive grants, copies of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby approved.

Section 2.                     That this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Agenda Analysis


This resolution approves amended criteria for Operating Support and Thrive Grants for the Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission (“Arts Commission”) previously approved pursuant to Resolution No. RS2025-961.


Tennessee Code Annotated section 7-3-314(d) states that arts commissions formed by metropolitan governments may fund nonprofit organizations “involved in the study, participation in and appreciation of” the arts without approval from the Metropolitan Council. Section 2.112.040(H) of the Metropolitan Code of Laws permits the Arts Commission to award funds appropriated by the Metropolitan Council to deserving nonprofit civic and non-profit charitable organizations.


Substitute Ordinance No. BL2024-373, the operating budget, appropriated $3,263,200 to Arts and Arts Organizations for the purpose of funding grants to nonprofit organizations. The Arts Commission recommended that 60 percent of the appropriation be allocated to Operating Support grants and 40 percent of the appropriation be allocated to new Thrive program grants.


Metro Code Section 2.112.040(H) further requires that the criteria for awarding funds to arts organizations must be established by the Arts Commission and approved by a Council resolution. The Arts Commission voted to approve the criteria for Operating Support and Thrive grants on December 5, 2024.


The Metropolitan Council approved the criteria on January 21, 2025, pursuant to RS2025-961.


The resolution under consideration approves amended criteria for the Operating Support and Thrive Grants. The amended criteria clarifies that the grant performance period ends on June 30, 2025, instead of June 1, 2025. The closeout reports related to the grants would be due on July 15, 2025.