A resolution accepting a Bloomberg American Sustainable Cities Program grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Office of the Mayor, to pursue transformative solutions together with community partners that address long-term solutions combating climate change.
WHEREAS, Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University has awarded an in-kind grant in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 during the first two years of the grant program to provide for a three-person innovation team including the team’s salary and benefits and professional development and programming resources; and,
WHEREAS, Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University has awarded a grant in an amount not to exceed $620,000 ($120,000 to be distributed for years one and two of the grant program to be used for non-personnel services expenses and an estimated $500,000 to be distributed in year three of the grant program for the salaries and benefits of the three-person innovation team including professional development and programming budgets; and,
WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of the citizens of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that this grant be accepted.
Section 1. That the Bloomberg American Sustainable Cities Program grant by and between the Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Office of the Mayor, to pursue transformative solutions together with community partners that address long-term solutions combating climate change, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby approved, and the Metropolitan Mayor is authorized to execute the same.
Section 2. That the amount of this grant is to be appropriated to the Office of the Mayor, based on revenues estimated to be received and any match to be applied.
Section 3. That this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Agenda Analysis
This resolution accepts a Bloomberg American Sustainable Cities Program grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University to the Mayor’s Office to purse transformative solutions with community partners that address long-term solutions combating climate change.
The in-kind grant award would be of a value not to exceed $1,000,000 during the first two years of the grant. An additional grant award would be in an amount not to exceed $620,000. The grant term is from September 1, 2024, to September 1, 2027.
The Metropolitan Government was chosen as one of 25 cities to join the Bloomberg American Sustainable Cities initiative that works to reduce emissions, further adaptation to climate change, expand economic opportunity, and improve people's lives. As an initiative participant, the Metropolitan Government will receive a three-person innovation team for three years with technical assistance and other resources to create solutions through a rigorous design process over the course of 14 months.
Salaries and program resources used by the innovation team will be paid by Bloomberg Philanthropies through Johns Hopkins University. In the first two years of the program, an in-kind award of $1,000,000 would provide basic professional development and programming resources to the innovation team. The Metropolitan Government would also receive a grant of $120,000 for non-personnel experiences in the same period. In the third and final year of the program, the Metropolitan Government would receive a grant of $500,000 to pay for the innovation team and additional professional development and programming.