Meeting Name: Metropolitan Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/20/2020 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Music City Center
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Proposed Amendments Packet Proposed Amendments Packet Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: 10.20.20 Agenda Analysis
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsVideo
20-000 1.AppointmentHealth and Educational Facilities Board Election to fill two vacancies for terms expiring September 30, 2026.  Action details Not available
20-001 2.AppointmentAction Commission Appointment of Ms. Fatimah Ali for a term expiring February 2, 2023. Ms. Ali will fill the unexpired term of Dr. Berthena Nabaa-McKinney.approved Action details Not available
20-013 3.AppointmentAgricultural Extension Board Appointment of Ms. Gigi Drumright for a term expiring August 1, 2023.approved Action details Not available
20-014 4.AppointmentAgricultural Extension Board Reappointment of Ms. Sylvia Ganier for a term expiring August 1, 2023.approved Action details Not available
20-015 5.AppointmentAgricultural Extension Board Reappointment of Mr. Mark Kerske for a term expiring August 1, 2023. deferred Action details Not available
20-016 6.AppointmentAgricultural Extension Board Appointment of Mr. Philip Krajeck for a term expiring August 1, 2023.approved Action details Not available
20-017 7.AppointmentAgricultural Extension Board Reappointment of Dr. Thelma Sanders-Hunter for a term expiring August 1, 2023.approved Action details Not available
20-018 8.AppointmentAgricultural Extension Board Reappointment of Ms. Sherri Smith for a term expiring August 1, 2023.approved Action details Not available
20-006 9.AppointmentMetropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission Reappointment of Ms. Gina Emmanuel for a term expiring September 17, 2025.approved Action details Not available
20-007 10.AppointmentTourism and Convention Commission Reappointment of Mr. Shannon Sanders for a term expiring June 30, 2023.approved Action details Not available
20-010 11.AppointmentTransportation Licensing Commission Reappointment of Ms. Sue Palmer for a term expiring October 10, 2022.withdrawn Action details Not available
20-011 12.AppointmentTransportation Licensing Commission Reappointment of Ms. Jessica Powell for a term expiring October 10, 2022.approved Action details Not available
20-012 13.AppointmentTransportation Licensing Commission Reappointment of Ms. Mona Lisa Warren for a term expiring October 10, 2022.approved Action details Not available
RS2020-520 14.ResolutionA resolution exempting DADS CBS, LLC dba Good Time Charlies, located at 1529 4th Avenue South, from the minimum distance requirements for obtaining a beer permit pursuant to Section 7.08.090.E of the Metropolitan Code.failed Action details Video Video
RS2020-583 15.ResolutionA resolution exempting Blue Crab Shack Atl., LLC located at 620 Gallatin Pike N, from the minimum distance requirements for obtaining a beer permit pursuant to Section 7.08.090.E of the Metropolitan Code.adopted Action details Video Video
RS2020-584 16.ResolutionA resolution exempting Legins’s House of Seafood Nashville located at 4228 Ashland City Highway from the minimum distance requirements for obtaining a beer permit pursuant to Section 7.08.090.E of the Metropolitan Code.deferred Action details Video Video
RS2020-585 17.ResolutionA resolution exempting Pork Belly Tipsy Pig located at 2000 A Oak Trail Drive, from the minimum distance requirements for obtaining a beer permit pursuant to Section 7.08.090.E of the Metropolitan Code.adopted Action details Video Video
RS2020-586 22.ResolutionA resolution accepting a grant from the Regions Foundation of Tennessee to the Nashville Community Engagement Fund to support the Metropolitan Barnes Housing Trust Fund for affordable housing, acting by and through the office of the Mayor.adopted Roll call Video Video
RS2020-588 24.ResolutionA resolution accepting a grant from the Center for Tech and Civic Life, to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Davidson County Election Commission, to provide planning and operationalizing of a safe and secure election administration in Davidson County in 2020.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-589 25.ResolutionA resolution approving amendment one to a grant from Living Cities to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Finance Department - Procurement Division, to support the city’s work with the City Accelerator’s Retake: Inclusive Procurement Cohort program to improve the participation of minority and women-owned businesses in the Metropolitan Government’s procurement process.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-590 26.ResolutionA resolution appropriating funds from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services to the Metropolitan Action Commission to support the Head Start Program by funding a comprehensive child development program for disadvantaged children.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-591 27.ResolutionA resolution approving amendments two, three, and four appropriating funds from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services to the Metropolitan Action Commission to support the Head Start Program by funding a comprehensive child development program for disadvantaged children.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-592 28.ResolutionA resolution to appropriate subrecipient grant agreement funds from the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA), to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Action Commission, to address rent and mortgage assistance for up to three months for eligible households resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-593 29.ResolutionA resolution accepting a Tennessee CARES Act Coronavirus Agricultural and Forestry Business Fund grant from the Tennessee Department of Agriculture to the Nashville Farmers’ Market to respond to COVID-19 business disruption and supply chain improvement initiatives.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-594 30.ResolutionA resolution approving amendment two to a grant from the State of Tennessee, Department of Health, to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, to provide Chronic Disease Prevention and Management Services to reduce risks associated with prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease and stroke.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-596 32.ResolutionA resolution approving amendment two to a grant from the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Office of Emergency Management, to provide resources to procure items, training and/or equipment for hazardous materials (hazmat) preparedness.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-597 33.ResolutionA resolution accepting a Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) grant from the Tennessee Department of Human Services to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Parks and Recreation Department, to provide nutritious meals and snacks for children attending after school programs in six park locations.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-598 34.ResolutionA resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement by and between the State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation and The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Department of Public Works, for the acceptance of traffic signal improvements in connection with construction at the I-24 Eastbound Exit Ramp at State Route 254 (Old Hickory Blvd) (Ramp Queue Project), Fed. No. HSIP-I-24-1(110); State No. 19002-0188-94; 19002-1188-94; 19002-2188-94; 19002-3188-94; PIN 120390.00 (Proposal No. 2020M-022AG-001).adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-599 35.ResolutionA resolution to amend Ordinance No. BL2020-167 to authorize The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept a fire hydrant assembly, sanitary sewer manhole and easements and update Map and Parcel information, for properties now located at 1600 State Street and 300 Bar B Que Aly (MWS Project Nos. 19-WL-117 and 19-SL-156 and Proposal No. 2020M-005ES-002).adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-600 36.ResolutionA resolution expressing the opposition of the Metropolitan Council to the proposed Charter amendment submitted by petition and conditionally scheduled for referendum election on December 15, 2020.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-601 37.ResolutionA resolution requesting the Metropolitan Department of Public Works work with the Tennessee Department of Transportation to place signage within the Metropolitan Government’s jurisdiction related to the limitation on the use of an engine compression braking device.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-602 38.ResolutionA resolution honoring the life of former Councilmember Tony Tenpenny.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-603 39.ResolutionA resolution recognizing Abe’s Garden’s feature as a case study in Alzheimer’s Disease International’s World Alzheimer Report 2020.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-604 40.ResolutionA resolution celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Adventure Science Center.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-605 41.ResolutionA resolution recognizing Holy Rosary Academy for being named a 2020 Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education for the second time.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-518 18.ResolutionA resolution providing amendments to the Charter of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee, in accordance with Article 19, Section 19.01 thereof, and setting forth a brief description of each amendment to be placed upon the ballot.deferred Action details Not available
RS2020-527 19.ResolutionA resolution appropriating a total of $1,500,000 from the COVID-19 Pandemic Fund No. 30009 to Jefferson Street United Merchants Partnership and Street Works for COVID-19-related community outreach, testing, and care.withdrawn Action details Video Video
RS2020-576 20.ResolutionA resolution requesting the COVID-19 Financial Oversight Committee to recommend to the Metropolitan Council the appropriation of not less than $1 million of CARES Act COVID-19 funds to the Metropolitan Arts Commission for distribution to Nashville Arts and Culture nonprofits, and affirming the request by the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to Governor Bill Lee for additional COVID-19 relief funds for Nashville-based cultural venues, businesses, and arts and culture nonprofits.withdrawn Action details Video Video
RS2020-577 21.ResolutionA resolution requesting the Metropolitan Board of Public Education to reopen all schools immediately following the school system’s fall break.adopted Action details Video Video
RS2020-587 23.ResolutionA resolution amending the grant contract approved by Resolution No. RS2020-239 between Woodbine Community Organization, Inc., and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County; and authorizing the provision of additional grant funds from the Barnes Fund for Affordable Housing to Woodbine Community Organization, Inc., for the express purpose of constructing and rehabilitating affordable or workforce housing.adopted Action details Video Video
RS2020-595 31.ResolutionA resolution approving an amendment to an assignment and assumption grant agreement amendment of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) grant between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA) to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Social Services Department/Homelessness Commission, to contribute to the national effort to end homelessness.withdrawn Action details Video Video
RS2020-606 42.ResolutionA resolution recognizing October 2020 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.adopted Action details Video Video
RS2020-607 I2.ResolutionA resolution amending RS2020-478, RS2020-500, RS2020-515, and RS2020-516 to extend the deadline for disbursements of CARES funds to December 28, 2020, with return of these funds to the Metropolitan Government on or before December 30, 2020, and extending the deadline of the Committee’s final report to Metro Council.adopted Action details Not available
RS2020-608 I1.ResolutionA resolution accepting six donations from the Tennessee Highland Rim Healthcare Coalition to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Nashville Fire Department.adopted Action details Not available
BL2020-491 43.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance extending the boundaries of the Urban Services District within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to include certain properties located in Council District 3 and approving the Plan of Services, as more particularly described herein.passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-492 44.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Section 12.36.110 of the Metropolitan Code pertaining to weight restrictions on certain roads.passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-493 45.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Section 12.40.190 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws relative to night parking restrictions.passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-494 46.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Section 13.08.080 of the Metropolitan Code relative to the use of license plate scanners by law enforcement for the prosecution of reckless drivers.passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-495 47.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance readopting the Code of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee, prepared by Municipal Code Corporation including supplemental and replacement pages thereof, containing certain ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted on or before June 10, 2020.passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-496 48.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to abandon existing public sanitary sewer main, sanitary sewer manhole and easements, and to accept new sanitary sewer main, sanitary sewer manholes and easements, for property located at Garfield Street (unnumbered), also known as 808 Gateway Germantown development (MWS Project No. 16-SL-88 and Proposal No. 2020M-076ES-001).passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-497 49.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public water mains, fire hydrant assemblies and easements, for property located at 11 Burton Hills Boulevard, also known as The Blakeford (MWS Project 20-WL-48 and Proposal No. 2020M-077ES-001).passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-498 50.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to abandon existing public water main, and to accept new public water main, and a fire hydrant assembly, for property located at 920 Division Street, (MWS Project No. 20-WL-19 and Proposal No. 2020M-078ES-001).passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-499 51.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public water and sanitary sewer mains, fire hydrant assemblies, sanitary sewer manholes, and easements, for two properties located on Old Hickory Boulevard at Legacy Drive, also known as Old Hickory Crossing Phase 1 (MWS Project numbers 18-WL-117 and 18-SL-148 and Proposal No. 2020M-079ES-001).passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-500 52.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public water and sanitary sewer mains, fire hydrant assemblies, sanitary sewer manholes and easements, for two properties located on Old Hickory Boulevard at Legacy Drive, also known as Old Hickory Crossing Phase 2 (MWS Project Nos. 20-WL-106 and 20-SL-212 and Proposal No. 2020M-080ES-001).passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-501 53.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public water and sanitary sewer mains, fire hydrant assemblies, sanitary sewer manholes, and easements, for two properties located on Old Hickory Boulevard at Legacy Drive, also known as Old Hickory Crossing Phase 3, (MWS Project numbers 20-WL-107 and 20-SL-213 and Proposal No. 2020M-081ES-001).passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-502 54.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by amending the existing SP zoning for property located at 730 Old Hickory Boulevard, approximately 437 feet south of Old Charlotte Pike, 4.07 acres, to permit up to 48 multi-family residential units and add an access and public utility easement, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2017SP-012-003).passed on first reading Action details Not available
BL2020-197 55.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance declaring a 120-day moratorium upon the issuance of building and grading permits for multi-family developments on property within portions of the Antioch area of Nashville & Davidson County.deferred by rule Action details Not available
BL2020-224 56.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Chapter 11.22 of the Metropolitan Code to require landlords to provide notice to tenants prior to a sale of the property.amended Action details Video Video
BL2020-224 56.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Chapter 11.22 of the Metropolitan Code to require landlords to provide notice to tenants prior to a sale of the property.passed on second reading as amended Action details Video Video
BL2020-424 57.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Chapter 15.64 of the Metropolitan Code to require additional public notice regarding applications for Stormwater Management Committee variances.amended Action details Video Video
BL2020-424 57.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Chapter 15.64 of the Metropolitan Code to require additional public notice regarding applications for Stormwater Management Committee variances.passed on second reading as amended Action details Video Video
BL2020-454 58.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Title 2 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to prohibit bullying in all Metropolitan Government services, activities, programs, and facilities.amended Action details Video Video
BL2020-454 58.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Title 2 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to prohibit bullying in all Metropolitan Government services, activities, programs, and facilities.deferred by rule Action details Video Video
BL2020-455 59.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Chapter 7.08 of the Metropolitan Code to create a new type of permit for curbside / delivery.passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-456 60.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Chapter 11.22 of the Metropolitan Code to require landlords to provide notice to tenants prior to termination of tenancy and non-renewal of a lease.deferred Action details Video Video
BL2020-458 62.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Title 16 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to adopt updated building codes.passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-459 63.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Section 16.28.190 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to require notice to the district councilmember of applications for a demolition permit for historic structures.passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-457 61.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Section 13.08.080 of the Metropolitan Code to restrict the Metropolitan Government from entering into agreements or contracts to acquire surveillance footage or data captured by technology owned by a person or business without the direct consent of that person or business.deferred to Action details Video Video
BL2020-461 64.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance creating the positions of Chief Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer and Workforce Diversity Manager.passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-462 65.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance approving a second amendment to an agreement between the Metropolitan Government and Plaza 2750, LLC concerning the acquisition of real property for use as the site for a new public library and acquisition and construction of related infrastructure and landscaping improvements in Donelson.passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-463 66.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend the Geographic Information Systems Street and Alley Centerline Layer for the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by renaming a portion of Sharpe Ave between McFerrin Ave and CSX Railroad to “West Sharpe Ave.” (Proposal Number 2020M-003SR-001).deferred by rule Action details Video Video
BL2020-464 67.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend the Geographic Information Systems Street and Alley Centerline Layer for the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing the name of 10th Circle N from Rosa L Parks Blvd to Dr Martin L King Jr Blvd to “Rev Kelly M Smith Circle” (Proposal No. 2020M-005SR-001).passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-465 68.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend the Geographic Information Systems Street and Alley Centerline Layer for the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County by abandoning an unimproved, Unnumbered Alley right-of-way and easement from 14th Avenue North to Alley #540. (Proposal Number 2020M-009AB-001).passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-466 69.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to negotiate and accept permanent and temporary easements for the Granny Wright Lane Stormwater Improvement Project for two properties located at 2335 and 2337 Granny Wright Lane, (Project No. 20-SWC-64 and Proposal No. 2020M-075ES-001).passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-467 70.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to negotiate and accept permanent and temporary easements for the Kipling Drive Stormwater Improvement Project for 13 properties located along Goodbar Drive, Aladdin Drive, and Kipling Drive, (Project No.20-SWC-326 and Proposal No. 2020M-074ES-001).passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-468 71.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public water and sanitary sewer main, fire hydrant assemblies, sanitary sewer manholes and easements, for property located at 110 Tune Airport Drive (MWS Project Nos. 20-WL-63 and 20-SL-161 and Proposal No. 2020M-073ES-001).passed on second reading Action details Video Video
BL2020-469 72.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept public sanitary sewer mains, sewer manholes and easements, for three properties located on Clovercroft Road in Williamson County, also known as Twin Valley Farms (MWS Project No. 20-SL-141 and Proposal No. 2020M-072ES-001).deferred Roll call Video Video
BL2020-364 73.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from IR to OG zoning for properties located at 309, 401, and 407 Driftwood Street, west of the terminus of Nestor Street (9.39 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2019Z-132PR-001).adopted Action details Video Video
BL2020-405 74.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code, Zoning Regulations, pertaining to dumpsters and other trash receptacles (Proposal No. 2020Z-011TX-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-417 75.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from MUI-A to SP zoning for properties located at 1709, 1711, 1715, 1717 and 1719 Hayes Street, at the southeast corner of 18th Avenue North and Hayes Street (1.12 acres), to permit a mixed use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020SP-028-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-419 76.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5 to RM20-A-NS zoning for properties located at 327 and 331 Whitsett Road, approximately 150 feet east of Nolensville Road (0.53 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020Z-063PR-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-435 77.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by expanding the Urban Zoning Overlay District for various properties located along Murfreesboro Pike, from Donelson Street to Interstate 24 and north of Woodycrest Avenue, zoned CS, OR, ORI-A, MUG, IWD and SP (439.93 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020Z-112PR-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-436 78.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changign changing a Specific Plan for property located at Nolensville Pike (unnumbered) and a portion of property located at Nolensville Pike (unnumbered) at the southeast corner of Burkitt Road and Nolensville Pike, to add 1.51 acres currently zoned AR2a and within a Corridor Design Overlay District, to be zoned SP, to permit a mixed use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2015SP-084-003).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-437 79.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from IR to SP zoning for properties located at 1217, 1221, 1225, 1227, 1229 and 1231 2nd Avenue North, at the southwest corner of 2nd Avenue North and Monroe Street (0.89 acres) to permit a mixed use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020SP-033-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-438 80.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by applying a Historic Preservation Landmark Overlay District on a portion of property located at 701 South 6th Street, approximately 390 feet southeast of Sylvan Street, zoned SP and within the Cayce Redevelopment District Overlay (0.58 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020HL-002-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-439 81.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from SP to R6-A zoning for properties located at 900, 902, 904, 906, 908, 910, 912, 914, and 916 N 6th Street, at the northwest corner of Cleveland Street and N 6th Street (1.75 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020Z-087PR-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-440 82.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by amending a Specific Plan located at 1324 2nd Avenue North, at the southeast corner of 2nd Avenue North and Taylor Street, zoned SP (4.82 acres), to permit additional uses and update site plan, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2016SP-055-002).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-441 83.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS40 to SP zoning for property located at 8045 Highway 100, approximately 600 feet west of Temple Road and within the Highway 100 Urban Design Overlay District (1.4 acres), to permit a 6,400 square foot restaurant (1.21 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020SP-017-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-442 84.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by cancelling a portion of a Planned Unit Development Overlay District for a portion of property located at 515 Foster Street, at the eastern terminus of Marina Street and along Ellington Parkway, zoned IR (1.13 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2003P-015-003).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-443 85.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from MUL-A to SP zoning for property located at 806 16th Avenue North, approximately 200 feet southeast of Desha Street (2.6 acres), to permit 449 multi-family residential units, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020SP-030-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-444 86.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS20 to ON zoning for property located at 1201 South Graycroft Avenue, at the southeast corner of West Due West Avenue and South Graycroft Avenue (1.04 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020Z-072PR-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-445 87.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from CS to SP zoning for property located at 1621 Ensley Boulevard, at the northwest corner of Ensley Boulevard and 4th Avenue South (1.67 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020Z-086PR-001).deferred to Action details Video Video
BL2020-446 88.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from IR to SP zoning for properties located at 515 and 516 Foster Street, at the eastern terminus of Foster street and partially located with a Planned Unit Development Overlay District (9.51 acres), to permit a mixed use development (9.51 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020SP-021-001).adopted Action details Video Video
BL2020-447 89.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from AR2a to CS zoning for a portion of the property located at 4000 Andrew Jackson Parkway, at the northern corner of Andrew Jackson Parkway and Old Hickory Boulevard (3.24 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2020Z-069PR-001).adopted Action details Video Video
BL2020-449 90.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Chapter 2.08 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to remove the master list of architects and engineers.passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-450 91.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend the Geographic Information Systems Street and Alley Centerline Layer for the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing the name of 5th Avenue N., and Opry Place to “Rep. John Lewis Way N.” and by changing the name of 5th Avenue S. to “Rep. John Lewis Way S.” (Proposal No. 2020M-004SR-001).deferred Action details Not available
BL2020-451 92.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending BL2018-1137 with respect to retention of easements and amending the Geographic Information Systems Street and Alley Centerline Layer for The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County by abandoning Alley Number 1715 between Crestmoor Road and the southern property line of the Calvary Methodist Church at 3701 Hillsboro Pike (Proposal No. 2020M-014AB-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-452 93.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance approving a participation agreement between the Metropolitan Government and Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Department of Water and Sewerage Services, and High View Flats, LLC, and authorizing the Director of Public Property, or her designee, to transfer to High View Flats, LLC, via quitclaim deed, a small portion of a certain parcel of property located at 700 E. Trinity Lane (Proposal No. 2020M-021AG-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available
BL2020-453 94.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept public sanitary sewer main, a sanitary sewer manhole and easements, for property located at 5800 Centennial Boulevard (MWS Project No. 20-SL-123 and Proposal No. 2020M-065ES-001).passed on third reading Action details Not available