Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/3/2025 3:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: David Scobey Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsVideo
RS2025-1059 1.ResolutionA resolution accepting a Bloomberg American Sustainable Cities Program grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Office of the Mayor, to pursue transformative solutions together with community partners that address long-term solutions combating climate change.  Not available Not available
RS2025-1067 2.ResolutionA resolution approving a preliminary engineering agreement between CSX Transportation, Inc. (“CSXT”), a Virginia corporation with its principal place of business in Jacksonville, Florida, and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, to facilitate the replacement of an existing bridge on Eastland Avenue (Proposal No. 2025M-005AG-001).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1068 3.ResolutionA resolution approving a Bloomberg Philanthropies Asphalt Art Project grant application from Bloomberg Philanthropies to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT), for a Jubilee Bridge Area Revitalization (JBAR) Project to address pedestrian safety and enhance the vibrancy of pedestrian spaces by improving the aesthetic and functional value of these sites.  Not available Not available
RS2025-1069 4.ResolutionA resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by and through the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (“NDOT”), and the State of Tennessee, by and through its Commissioner of Transportation (“TDOT”), for the installation, operation, and maintenance of transportation art on the TDOT retaining wall located at 214 Old Hickory Boulevard.  Not available Not available
RS2025-1070 5.ResolutionA resolution authorizing 2317 12th Avenue South, LLC to construct, install, and maintain an aerial encroachment at 2317 12th Avenue South (Proposal No. 2024M-037EN-001).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1071 6.ResolutionA resolution authorizing VC Restaurant, LLC to construct and install an aerial encroachment at 300 Commerce Street (Proposal No. 2024M-038EN-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-744 7.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance approving a greenway conservation easement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, and Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville, Inc. for greenway improvements at 3028 Gwynwood Drive (Parcel No. 059080A90700CO) (Proposal No. 2024M-054AG-001).  Not available Not available