| 1. | Resolution | A resolution affirming the determinations of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to issue general obligation bonds pursuant to certain Initial Resolutions previously adopted by the Metropolitan County Council and consenting to reallocations for specific public works projects. | |
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| 2. | Resolution | A resolution approving a preliminary engineering agreement between CSX Transportation, Inc. (“CSXT”), a Virginia corporation with its principal place of business in Jacksonville, Florida, and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, to facilitate the replacement of an existing bridge on Eastland Avenue (Proposal No. 2025M-005AG-001). | |
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| 3. | Resolution | A resolution appropriating to certain accounts for the benefit of Metropolitan Transit Authority, Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure, Department of Information Technology Services, and the Mayor’s Office in the amount of Fifty-Nine Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($59,300,000) in connection with the “Choose How You Move” Transportation Improvement Program. | |
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| 4. | Resolution | A resolution authorizing the Metropolitan Department of Law to compromise and settle the personal injury claim of Robert Beene against the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County in the amount of $7,000.00 and that said amount be paid out of the Self-Insured Liability Fund. | |
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| 5. | Resolution | A resolution appropriating the amount of $22,439,000.00 from the General Fund Reserve Fund for the purchase of equipment and building repairs for various departments of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County. | |
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Not available
| 6. | Resolution | A resolution to approve the Third Amendment to a grant contract for constructing affordable housing approved by RS2022-1443 between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission, and Inspiritus, Inc. | |
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| 7. | Resolution | A resolution to approve the Second Amendment to a grant contract for constructing affordable housing approved by RS2022-1443 between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission, and Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville. | |
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Not available
| 8. | Resolution | A resolution to approve the Third Amendment to a grant contract for constructing affordable housing approved by RS2022-1443 between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission, and Rebuilding Together Nashville. | |
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| 9. | Resolution | A resolution accepting the terms of a cooperative purchasing master agreement for promotional products and services for the Nashville Public Library. | |
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| 10. | Resolution | A resolution accepting the terms of a cooperative purchasing master agreement for the purchase of mobile solar powered charging systems and related services for Department of General Services. | |
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| 11. | Resolution | A resolution accepting a grant from A Step Ahead Foundation of Middle Tennessee, Inc. to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, to provide reimbursement for certain costs associated with providing long-acting reversible contraception. | |
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| 12. | Resolution | A resolution accepting a grant from the Tennessee Department of Health to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, to provide oral disease prevention services for school children in grades K-8 in qualifying public schools. | |
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| 13. | Resolution | A resolution accepting a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, to provide for the prevention, surveillance, diagnosis, and treatment of HIV/AIDS and to administer a Minority AIDS Initiative program. | |
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| 14. | Resolution | A resolution accepting a grant from the Marjorie A. Neuhoff Private Foundation, Inc. to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, to provide funding for the care of shelter animals at Metro Animal Care and Control. | |
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| 15. | Resolution | A resolution approving amendment one to a grant from the Tennessee Department of Health to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, for public safety partnerships in high impact areas to use available data to identify populations at high risk for adverse consequences from substance abuse and employ evidence-based interventions that are responsive to population needs. | |
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| 16. | Resolution | A resolution accepting an in-kind grant from the Hillsboro-West End Neighborhood (HWEN) Association to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, to provide tags for existing trees and a sign for the HWEN Arboretum, to include Fannie Mae Dees Park. | |
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| 17. | Resolution | A resolution accepting a grant from the Centennial Park Conservancy to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, to provide funding for educational conferences, travel, and other related expenses for Parthenon staff. | |
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| 18. | Resolution | A resolution approving a sole source contract between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and ZOLL Medical Corporation to provide Cardiac Monitors, AEDs, Accessories, and preventative maintenance & repairs, ZOLL Specific Software including ZOLL Cloud Services. | |
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| 19. | Resolution | A resolution authorizing the Metropolitan Department of Law to compromise and settle the personal injury claim of Shelter Mutual Insurance as subrogee of Jaida Dumas against the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County in the amount of $17,092.24, and that said amount be paid out of the Self-Insured Liability Fund. | |
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Not available
| 20. | Resolution | A resolution accepting a Homeland Security Grant from the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Office of Emergency Management, to implement State Homeland Security Strategies by addressing the identified planning, equipment, training, and exercise needs required to prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism. | |
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| 21. | Resolution | A resolution approving a preliminary engineering agreement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and CSX Transportation, Inc. (“CSX”), a Virginia corporation with its principal place of business in Jacksonville, Florida, to facilitate the development of sidewalk improvements adjacent to CSX rail at Alabama Avenue. (Proposal No. 2025M-003AG-001). | |
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| 22. | Resolution | A resolution approving amendment one to a grant agreement between the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT), for a Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant to install LiDAR and video camera technologies at key intersections and mid-block segments for “near-miss” data collection. | |
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| 23. | Resolution | A resolution approving Amendment Number 1 to a sole source agreement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and Vanderbilt University for partnering services for a Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) grant from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). | |
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| 24. | Resolution | A resolution approving a contract between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and Infor, LLC for the provision of Asset Management software licensing, support and maintenance. | |
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| 25. | Resolution | A resolution approving a participation agreement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Department of Water and Sewerage Services, and Richland Building Partners, to provide sanitary sewer service improvements for Richland’s proposed development, as well as other existing properties in the area (MWS Project No. 23-SL-0228 and Proposal No. 2025M-004AG-001). | |
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| 26. | Resolution | A resolution requesting Mayor Freddie O’Connell create an advisory working group to explore and determine a coordinating model that supports a long-term sustainable Youth Policy and Strategic Plan and analysis of data that extends beyond mayoral administrations. | |
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| 27. | Resolution | A resolution requesting the Department of Finance and the Housing Division of the Department of Planning to research and determine the feasibility of the creation of a special revolving loan fund to issue loans for affordable housing that allow for smaller investments from members of the Nashville community. | |
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| 28. | Bill (Ordinance) | An ordinance approving two greenway conservation easements between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, and Rogers Group, Inc. for greenway improvements at 0 Gwynwood Drive (Parcel No. 05900022600) (Proposal No. 2024M-056AG-001). | |
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Not available