Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Planning and Zoning Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/3/2025 4:15 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: David Scobey Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available Meeting Extra2: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionAction DetailsVideo
RS2025-1020 1.ResolutionA resolution authorizing Nashville Urban Partners 2006, LLC to construct, install and maintain aerial encroachments at 905 Gleaves Street (Proposal No. 2024M-028EN-001).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1021 2.ResolutionA resolution authorizing Mel’s Drive-In, to construct, install and maintain aerial encroachments at 148 2nd Avenue North (Proposal No. 2024M-033EN-001).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1022 3.ResolutionA resolution authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through Metro Water Services, to enter into a Construction Agreement with CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC. to construct, or cause to be constructed, wastewater treatment plant improvements and expansion, for property at 61 Edenwold Road (Parcel No. 03411002400). (Proposal No. 2025M-001AG-001).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1024 4.ResolutionA resolution to amend Ordinance No. BL2024-632 to authorize The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept additional sanitary sewer main and sanitary sewer manhole, and to update Map and Parcel information, for now two properties located at 251 and 227 Nesbitt Lane, (MWS Project No. 24-SL-53 and Proposal No. 2024M-124ES-002).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1025 5.ResolutionA resolution authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept one new fire hydrant assembly, for property located at 4040 Jordonia Station Road, also known as Siskin Steel Building Expansion (MWS Project No. 24-WL-68 and Proposal No. 2024M-153ES-001).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1026 6.ResolutionA resolution authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public sanitary sewer manhole, and the vertical adjustment of existing sanitary sewer manhole, for property located at 1010 Broadway also known as Yards Landing development (MWS Project No. 24-SL-219 and Proposal No. 2024M-151ES-001).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1027 7.ResolutionA resolution authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public sanitary sewer manhole, for property located at 728 B Due West Avenue North, also known as Madison Place (MWS Project No. 24-SL-270 and Proposal No. 2024M-154ES-001).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1028 8.ResolutionA resolution authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public sanitary sewer main and sanitary sewer manhole, for property located at 2409 18th Avenue North (MWS Project No. 24-SL-126 and Proposal No. 2024M-148ES-001).  Not available Not available
RS2025-1029 9.ResolutionA resolution authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public water and sanitary sewer mains, fire hydrant assemblies and sanitary sewer manholes, for property located at 3834 Pin Hook Road, also known as Pin Hook Ridge (MWS Project Nos. 23-WL-83 and 23-SL-212 and Proposal No. 2024M-155ES-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-693 10.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance approving a lease agreement between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Davidson County Clerk’s Office and Grace’s Plaza, LTD., for office space at 4009 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, Tennessee (Parcel No. 11714017000) (Proposal No. 2024M-043AG-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-695 11.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance approving a greenway conservation easement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, and 1231 Pawnee Trail, LLC for greenway improvements at 1231 Pawnee Trail, Madison, TN 37115 (Parcel No. 05300001900) (Proposal No. 2024M-046AG-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-696 12.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance approving a greenway conservation easement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, and Nations Owner LLC for greenway improvements at 1710 54th Avenue North (Parcel No. 08000008500) (Proposal No. 2024M-047AG-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-697 13.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance approving a greenway conservation easement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, and Hwy 100 Investment Partners for greenway improvements at 8033 Highway 100 (Parcel No. 15600003300) (Proposal No. 2024M-048AG-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-698 14.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance approving a greenway conservation easement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Board of Parks and Recreation, and M/I Homes of Nashville, LLC for greenway improvements at 2600 Pennington Bend Road AKA 0 Pennington Bend Road (Parcel No. 06200001200) (Proposal No. 2024M-049AG-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-699 15.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing the abandonment of unnamed right-of-way between 1321 Pawnee Trail and 1327 Pawnee Trail. (Proposal Number 2024M-008AB-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-700 16.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to acquire permanent and temporary easements through negotiation, condemnation and acceptance, for the Lanier Drive Stormwater Improvement Project for five properties located on Lanier Drive and Forest Park Road (Project No. 24-SWC-52 and Proposal No. 2024M-141ES-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-701 17.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to accept new public water and sanitary sewer mains, fire hydrant assemblies, sanitary sewer manholes and easements, for two properties located at 2122 and 2204 Elliott Avenue (MWS Project Nos. 23-WL-68 and 23-SL-158 and Proposal No. 2024M-140ES-001).  Not available Not available
BL2025-702 18.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance authorizing The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to abandon sanitary sewer main, sanitary sewer manhole and easement, for property located at 2000 Ava Place at Addy Way in Nolensville (Williamson Co.), also known as Nolensville FSER (MWS Project No. 24-SL-119 and Proposal No. 2024M-145ES-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-594 19.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance amending Section 17.04.060 of the Metropolitan Code, Zoning Regulations to add a definition for “Bar or nightclub” and amend the definition of “Beer and cigarette market” (Proposal No. 2024Z-022TX-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-619 20.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by applying a Two Story Overlay District to various properties located east of Tucker Road and southeast of West Hamilton Avenue (48.82 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024TSO-001-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-641 21.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by amending the preliminary plan for a Planned Unit Development district on property located at 3101 Nolensville Pike, at the southwest corner of McIver Street and Nolensville Pike, zoned CS (1.1 acres), to permit a car wash, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2005P-009-002).  Not available Not available
BL2024-642 22.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by amending the River North Urban Design Overlay District for various properties located on Cowan Street, Waterside Drive, Oldham Street, North 1st Street, River North Boulevard, Spring Street, and Cowan Court (165.21 acres) to update urban design standards related to structured parking and building materials, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2017UD-005-010)  Not available Not available
BL2024-643 23.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-642, the River North Urban Design Overlay, for properties located on Cowan Street, Waterside Drive, Oldham Street, North 1st Street, River North Boulevard, Spring Street, and Cowan Court (165.21 acres) (Proposal No. 2017UD-005-010). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-644 24.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5, RM20-A, and MUG-A to SP zoning for property located at Lucile Street (unnumbered), approximately 800 feet north of Lucile Street (5.6 acres) to permit a mixed-use development, and within the Dickerson Pike Sign Urban Design Overlay, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-056-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-645 25.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-644, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning District for property located at Lucile Street (unnumbered), approximately 800 feet north of Lucile Street (5.6 acres) to permit a mixed-use development, and within the Dickerson Pike Sign Urban Design Overlay, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-056-001). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-646 26.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS7.5 to R6-A zoning for properties located at 196 A Chilton Street and Chilton Street (unnumbered), at the southeast corner of Chilton Street and Waller Street (0.36 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-107PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-647 27.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from IR to SP zoning for property located at 1500 3rd Avenue North, at the northeast corner of 3rd Avenue North and Van Buren Street (1.01 acres), to permit a mixed-use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-022-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-648 28.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-647, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning property located at 1500 3rd Avenue North, at the northeast corner of 3rd Avenue North and Van Buren Street (1.01 acres), to permit a mixed-use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-022-001). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-649 29.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5 to R6-A zoning for property located at 1230 Bessie Avenue, approximately 105 feet south of Weakley Avenue (0.12 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-111PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-650 30.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5 to R6-A zoning for property located at 311 Lutie Street, approximately 500 feet east of Nolensville Pike (0.21 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-112PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-651 31.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS3.75 and RM20 to RM20-NS zoning for property located at 1014 and 1006 Morrison Street and Morrison Street (unnumbered), within the Phillips Jackson Redevelopment District, approximately 177 feet northwest of Jackson Street (0.18 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-119PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-652 32.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from R8 to IWD zoning for properties located at 2902 and 2906 Brick Church Pike, approximately 630 feet south of Brick Church Park Drive (7.45 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-128PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-653 33.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5 to RM20-A-NS zoning for property located at 205 Joyner Avenue, approximately 120 feet west of Foster Avenue (0.17 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-115PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-654 34.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by amending a Specific Plan on properties located at 203, 205, 209, 217, 219, 253, 255, 259 and 261 Liberty Lane, 215B, 257B, and 253B Liberty Lane, approximately 250 feet west of Peeples Court, zoned SP (26.59 acres), to permit 159 multi-family residential units, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2022SP-071-002).  Not available Not available
BL2024-655 35.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-654, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning District for properties located at 203, 205, 209, 217, 219, 253, 255, 259 and 261 Liberty Lane and 215B, 257B and 253B Liberty Lane, approximately 250 feet west of Peeples Court, zoned SP (26.59 acres) to permit 159 multi-family residential units, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2022SP-071-002). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-656 36.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from CS to SP zoning for property located at 751 S. 5th Street, at the northeast corner of S. 5th Street and Dew Street (1.41 acres), to permit a mixed-use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-016-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-657 37.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-656, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning District for property located at 751 S. 5th Street, at the northeast corner of S. 5th Street and Dew Street (1.41 acres), to permit a mixed-use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-016-001).THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-658 38.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from R6 and R8 to SP zoning for properties located at 1201 Keller Avenue and 1202 A, B, and C McGavock Pike, approximately 130 feet east of Bronte Avenue, (0.86 acres), to permit eight multi-family residential units, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-030-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-659 39.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-658, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning District for properties located at 1201 Keller Avenue and 1202 A, B, and C McGavock Pike, approximately 130 feet east of Bronte Avenue, (0.86 acres), to permit eight multi-family residential units, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-030-001). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-660 40.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5 to R6-A zoning for property located at 109 Jay Street, approximately 343 feet east of Foster Avenue (0.17 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-124PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-661 41.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from CS and OR20 to SP zoning for property located at 2811 Patriot Way, approximately 225 feet south of Allen Road, (1.8 acres), to permit a self-service storage facility, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-032-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-662 42.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-661, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning District for property located 2811 Patriot Way, approximately 225 feet south of Allen Road, (1.8 acres), to permit a self-service storage facility, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-032-001). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-663 43.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from R15 to SP zoning for property located at 7351 Charlotte Pike, approximately 200 feet east of Old Hickory Blvd, (1.43 acres), to permit non-residential uses, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-046-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-664 44.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-663, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning District for property located at 7351 Charlotte Pike, approximately 200 feet east of Old Hickory Blvd, (1.43 acres), to permit non-residential uses, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-046-001). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-665 45.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from MUL-A to SP zoning for properties located at 500 and 516 Hagan Street, at the corner of Chestnut Street and Hagan Street, (1.68 acres), to permit a mixed-use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-047-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-666 46.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-665, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning District for properties located at 500 and 516 Hagan Street, at the corner of Chestnut Street and Hagan Street, (1.68 acres), to permit a mixed-use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-047-001). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-667 47.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from CS, IWD, SP and RS5 to SP zoning for various properties along Dickerson Pike and W. Trinity Lane, at the southwest corner of W. Trinity Lane and Dickerson Pike (61.41 acres), partially within the Dickerson Pike Sign Overlay District to permit a mixed-use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-015-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-668 48.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-667, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning District for various properties along Dickerson Pike and W. Trinity Lane, at the southwest corner of W. Trinity Lane and Dickerson Pike (61.41 acres), partially within the Dickerson Pike Sign Overlay District to permit a mixed-use development, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-015-001). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-669 49.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from SP to SP for property located at 516 Meridian Street, at the northwest corner of Treutland Avenue and Meridian Street (0.39 acres), to permit five multi-family residential units, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-053-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-670 50.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to authorize building material restrictions and requirements for BL2024-669, a proposed Specific Plan Zoning District for property located at 516 Meridian Street, at the northwest corner of Treutland Avenue and Meridian Street (0.39 acres), to permit five multi-family residential units, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024SP-053-001). THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRES CERTAIN MATERIALS TO BE RESTRICTED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.  Not available Not available
BL2024-671 51.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from AR2a to RS20 zoning for part of property located at 935 Barnes Road, at the southwest corner of Barnes Road and Old Hickory Boulevard (approximately 13 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-074PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-672 52.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS10 to R10 zoning for properties located at 1725 South Hamilton Road and 3195 and 3199 Doak Avenue, at the northwest corner of Doak Avenue and South Hamilton Road (0.95 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-113PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-673 53.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from IWD to MUL-A-NS zoning for properties located at 1247 and 1249 Lewis Street, approximately 200 feet north of Garden Street (0.22 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-117PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-674 54.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from AR2a to RM9-A-NS zoning for property located at Una Antioch Pike (unnumbered), approximately 465 feet east of Moss Road (4.01 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-118PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-675 55.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from AR2a to RS10 zoning for a portion of property located at McCrory Lane (unnumbered), approximately 700 feet north of Beautiful Valley Drive (0.68 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-120PR-001).  Not available Not available
BL2024-676 56.Bill (Ordinance)An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from IWD to MUN-A zoning for properties located at 179 and 181 Little Green Street, approximately 65 feet southwest of Edgar Street (0.25 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2024Z-129PR-001).  Not available Not available