File #: RS2024-423   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 4/25/2024 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 5/7/2024 Final action: 5/7/2024
Title: A resolution accepting a Transportation Planning grant from the Tennessee Department of Transportation to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Nashville Department of Transportation & Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) for a safety evaluation study of State Route 45 - Old Hickory Boulevard.
Sponsors: Delishia Porterfield, Sean Parker, Sandy Ewing
Attachments: 1. Grant Exhibit


A resolution accepting a Transportation Planning grant from the Tennessee Department of Transportation to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Nashville Department of Transportation & Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) for a safety evaluation study of State Route 45 - Old Hickory Boulevard.


WHEREAS, the Tennessee Department of Transportation has awarded a grant in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 with a required cash match of $20,000.00 to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through NDOT, for a safety evaluation study of State Route 45 - Old Hickory Boulevard; and,     

WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of the citizens of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that this grant be accepted.


Section 1.                     That the Transportation Planning grant by and between the Tennessee Department of Transportation, in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00, to the Nashville Department of Transportation & Multimodal Infrastructure, for a safety evaluation study of State Route 45 - Old Hickory Boulevard, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby approved, and the Metropolitan Mayor is authorized to execute the same.

Section 2.                     That the amount of this grant be appropriated to the Nashville Department of Transportation & Multimodal Infrastructure based on the revenues estimated to be received and any match to be applied.

Section 3.                     That this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Agenda Analysis



This resolution accepts a Transportation Planning grant from the Tennessee Department of Transportation to the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure for a safety evaluation study of State Route 45 - Old Hickory Boulevard. The grant amount would not exceed $200,000 with a $20,000 cash match required. The grant period begins on May 31, 2024 and ends on May 30, 2026.


The grant would fund a safety evaluation study of a 3.2-mile section of Old Hickory Boulevard between Bell Road and Wright Avenue. This section of road has been identified for safety improvements through the Vision Zero Implementation Plan because of a high number of severe crashes there. The study seeks to identify effective safety measures for future implementation to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes on this road, particularly those involving pedestrians.