File #: RS2024-432   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 4/23/2024 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 5/7/2024 Final action: 5/7/2024
Title: A resolution to amend Ordinance No. BL2023-1801, as amended, to authorize The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to modify the linear feet of sanitary sewer mains and manholes to be abandoned and to accept additional new public sanitary sewer manholes, for two properties located at 30 and 90 Peabody Street, also known as Peabody Union Sewer (MWS Project No. 21-SL-221 and Proposal No. 2023M-208ES-003).
Sponsors: Jacob Kupin, Jennifer Gamble, Sean Parker
Attachments: 1. Exhibit


A resolution to amend Ordinance No. BL2023-1801, as amended, to authorize The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to modify the linear feet of sanitary sewer mains and manholes to be abandoned and to accept additional new public sanitary sewer manholes, for two properties located at 30 and 90 Peabody Street, also known as Peabody Union Sewer (MWS Project No. 21-SL-221 and Proposal No. 2023M-208ES-003).


WHEREAS, Ordinance No. BL2023-1801, approved May 8, 2023, and amended by Resolution No. RS2024-317, approved March 20,2024, authorized the abandonment of approximately 756 linear feet of existing eight-inch sanitary sewer mains and one sanitary sewer main, the lowering of approximately 116 linear feet of existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main, and the acceptance of approximately 738 linear feet of new 12-inch sanitary sewer main, four sanitary sewer manholes and lining of four existing sanitary sewer manholes for two properties located at 30 and 90 Peabody Street, also known as Peabody Union Sewer; and,

WHEREAS, the acceptance of two additional new public sanitary sewer manholes, is needed to construct Project No. 21-SL-221; and,

WHEREAS, the abandonment of approximately 534 linear feet of existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main, an existing sanitary sewer manhole, the lining of two existing sanitary sewer manholes, and the acceptance of approximately 29 linear feet of new 12-inch sanitary sewer main, are no longer needed to construct Project No.21-SL-221; and,

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Planning Commission approved mandatory referral No. 2023M-208ES-003 on March 20, 2024, for revisions to the previous mandatory referrals; and,

WHEREAS, Ordinance No. BL2023-1801 provides that amendments to the legislation shall be approved by resolution.


Section 1.                     That Ordinance No. BL2023-1801 is hereby amended by deleting Section 1 in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County is authorized to abandon approximately 222 linear feet of existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main, to lower approximately 116 linear feet of existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main, and to accept approximately 709 linear feet of new 12-inch sanitary sewer main, six sanitary sewer manholes and lining of two existing sanitary sewer manholes, for two properties located at 30 and 90 Peabody Street, also known as Peabody Union Sewer, as shown below and on Exhibit 1, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference:

Map & Parcel:                                                                                                         Address:

09311025600                                                                                                         30 Peabody Street

09311002700                                                                                                         90 Peabody Street

Section 2.                     The Directors of Water and Sewerage Services and Public Property Administration are authorized to execute such documents as may be necessary and appropriate to carry out the abandonment and acceptance authorized by this resolution.

Section 3. This resolution shall take effect upon passage, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.


Agenda Analysis



Ordinance No. BL2023-1801 was approved by the Metropolitan Council on May 8, 2023, and amended by Resolution No. RS2024-317 on March 20, 2024. The legislation authorized the acceptance of  approximately 756 linear feet of existing eight-inch sanitary sewer mains and one sanitary sewer main, the lowering of approximately 116 linear feet of existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main, and the acceptance of approximately 738 linear feet of new 12-inch sanitary sewer main, four sanitary sewer manholes and lining of four existing sanitary sewer manholes for two properties located at 30 and 90 Peabody Street, also known as Peabody Union Sewer. BL2023-1801 provided that amendments to the ordinance may be approved by resolution.


The resolution under consideration amends this legislation to accept two additional new public sanitary sewer manholes. Also, the previously approved abandonment of approximately 534 linear feet of existing eight-inch sanitary sewer main, an existing sanitary sewer manhole, the lining of two existing sanitary sewer manholes, and acceptance of approximately 29 linear feet of new 12-inch sanitary sewer main are no longer needed to complete the project and would be removed from the ordinance.


These changes have been approved by the Planning Commission.