File #: RS2023-112   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 11/9/2023 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 11/21/2023 Final action: 11/21/2023
Title: A resolution approving a contract between the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, and Meharry Medical College to provide public health experience opportunities for its Master of Public Health program students.
Sponsors: Delishia Porterfield, Erin Evans, Burkley Allen, Jeff Preptit, Kyonzte Toombs, Sandy Ewing
Attachments: 1. Contract Exhibit


A resolution approving a contract between the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, and Meharry Medical College to provide public health experience opportunities for its Master of Public Health program students.  


WHEREAS, it is to the mutual benefit of Meharry Medical College and the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, to provide public health experience opportunities for its Master of Public Health program students; and,  

WHEREAS, Meharry Medical College and the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, have entered into a contract, attached hereto and incorporated herein, to provide public health experience opportunities for its Master of Public Health program students; and,   

WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of the citizens of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that this contract be approved.


Section 1.                     That the contract between Meharry Medical College and the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Board of Health, to provide public health experience opportunities for its Master of Public Health program students, attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby approved.  

Section 2.                     That this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Agenda Analysis



This resolution approves a contract between the Metropolitan Board of Health and Meharry Medical College to provide opportunities for Meharry Master of Public Health students to receive public health instruction and experience though the health department. Students will receive no compensation and would not be considered employees of the Metropolitan Government.


Meharry agrees to provide professional liability insurance for its students and facility while involved in the program.


The term of the agreement begins August 1, 2023 and continues for five years. The agreement may be terminated by either party upon 90 days’ written notice.


Fiscal Note: There is no cost to Metro for the performance of this agreement.