File #: BL2020-452   
Type: Bill (Ordinance) Status: Passed
File created: 9/10/2020 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 10/20/2020 Final action: 10/20/2020
Title: An ordinance approving a participation agreement between the Metropolitan Government and Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Department of Water and Sewerage Services, and High View Flats, LLC, and authorizing the Director of Public Property, or her designee, to transfer to High View Flats, LLC, via quitclaim deed, a small portion of a certain parcel of property located at 700 E. Trinity Lane (Proposal No. 2020M-021AG-001).
Sponsors: Kyonzte Toombs, Kathleen Murphy, Bob Nash, Sean Parker
Attachments: 1. BL2020-452
An ordinance approving a participation agreement between the Metropolitan Government and Nashville and Davidson County, through the Metropolitan Department of Water and Sewerage Services, and High View Flats, LLC, and authorizing the Director of Public Property, or her designee, to transfer to High View Flats, LLC, via quitclaim deed, a small portion of a certain parcel of property located at 700 E. Trinity Lane (Proposal No. 2020M-021AG-001).

WHEREAS, High View Flats, LLC ("HVF") is constructing 75 single family cottages and two multi-family buildings, with 88 total units located at 0 East Trinity Lane and 841 Cherokee Avenue; Tax Map 72-5 Parcel 58 and Tax Map 72-5 Parcel 97, the ("Project"); and,

WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Department of Water and Sewerage Services ("Metro") owns property directly adjacent to the Project used for storing and maintenance of three water reservoirs ("East Trinity Lane Reservoirs") which is surrounded by fencing; and,

WHEREAS, HVF needs to cross Metro's property in order to access the Project; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to the participation agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A, Metro has agreed to transfer via quitclaim, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein, approximately 1772 sq. feet of Metro's parcel to HVF, and in exchange, HVF, at its own expense, shall provide to Metro approximately 80 feet of new fencing for Metro's property and install four new security cameras to monitor Metro's infrastructure; and,

WHEREAS, the approximate value of Metro's property to be conveyed to HVF is $19,386 and Metro will be receiving approximately $39,388 of improvements in exchange for the transfer of property; and,

WHEREAS, it is in the best of Metro that this participation agreement be approved, and the small portion of Metro property be conveyed.


Section 1. That the participation agreement between th...

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