An ordinance authorizing the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Department of Water and Sewerage Services, to enter into an agreement with Union Brick RE, LLC, to provide improved public sanitary sewer service through the construction of an improved stormwater system (Project No. SWGR 2021003345 and Proposal Number 2022M-006AG-001).
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Department of Water and Sewerage Services ("METRO") owns and operates a combined sewer system located in the Kerrigan basin with combined flow directed to the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Kerrigan outfall during heavy rain conditions; and,
WHEREAS, METRO desires to separate the stormwater and sewer flow in a 56 acre portion of the Kerrigan basin, thereby directing stormwater flow to the Cumberland River and the sewage flow to the Central Waste Water Treatment Plant; and,
WHEREAS, by separating the stormwater and sewage, METRO has an opportunity to reduce the overall volume load in the Kerrigan basin combined sewer resulting in a reduction in the potential for localized storm flooding, surcharging sewer, and odor. Furthermore, separating the stormwater and sewage will improve overall water quality in the Cumberland River; and,
WHEREAS, Union Brick RE, LLC ("DEVELOPER") has been approved to construct a multifamily development located in the Combined Sewer System for the Kerrigan Basin; and,
WHEREAS, METRO is developing the design and construction of dedicated storm infrastructure consistent with the Combined Sewer Master Plan; and,
WHEREAS, DEVELOPER agrees to provide on-site stormwater control measures and to provide METRO the amount of $250,000.00 to fund the design and construction of the current and new stormwater infrastructure, according to the terms of the CSEP Separation Project Participation Agreement - Chartwell at Marathon Village, attached as Exhibit 1; and,
WHEREAS, METRO agrees to begin design and construc...
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