File #: RS2020-576   
Type: Resolution Status: Withdrawn
File created: 9/29/2020 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 10/20/2020 Final action: 10/20/2020
Title: A resolution requesting the COVID-19 Financial Oversight Committee to recommend to the Metropolitan Council the appropriation of not less than $1 million of CARES Act COVID-19 funds to the Metropolitan Arts Commission for distribution to Nashville Arts and Culture nonprofits, and affirming the request by the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to Governor Bill Lee for additional COVID-19 relief funds for Nashville-based cultural venues, businesses, and arts and culture nonprofits.
Sponsors: Nancy VanReece, Tonya Hancock, Gloria Hausser, Emily Benedict, Joy Styles
Attachments: 1. RS2020-576
A resolution requesting the COVID-19 Financial Oversight Committee to recommend to the Metropolitan Council the appropriation of not less than $1 million of CARES Act COVID-19 funds to the Metropolitan Arts Commission for distribution to Nashville Arts and Culture nonprofits, and affirming the request by the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to Governor Bill Lee for additional COVID-19 relief funds for Nashville-based cultural venues, businesses, and arts and culture nonprofits.
WHEREAS, Resolution No. RS2020-318, as amended, approved and accepted a local government Coronavirus relief fund grant by and between the U.S. Department of the Treasury to The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Nashville Finance Department, in an amount not to exceed $121,122,775.00, to respond to the public health emergency caused by the Coronavirus pandemic; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. RS2020-318, as amended, requires approval by resolution of a plan for disbursement of Coronavirus Relief Fund ("CRF") grant funds; and
WHEREAS, in a typical year, Nashville's arts and culture nonprofit sector has a $429 million economic impact in Davidson County, generates more than $50 million in state and local tax revenues, and supports more than 16,228 full-time equivalent jobs in the region; and
WHEREAS, arts and culture are at the core of Nashville's identity, worldwide brand, quality of life, and its role as a tourist destination and desirable place to live and work; and
WHEREAS, Nashville's arts nonprofits have already sustained more than $50 million in lost revenue and been forced to eliminate more than 370 full-time jobs and 650 part-time jobs since the end of March as a result of pandemic-related closures; and
WHEREAS, Nashville's peer cities of similar size have understood the importance of arts and culture to their residents and allocated significant percentages of their COVID relief funding t...

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