File #: RS2020-696   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/7/2020 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 12/15/2020 Final action: 12/15/2020
Title: A Resolution expressing appreciation to the Music City Center, its leadership, and its staff for hosting in-person Council meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sponsors: Emily Benedict, Zulfat Suara, Joy Styles, Burkley Allen
A Resolution expressing appreciation to the Music City Center, its leadership, and its staff for hosting in-person Council meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
WHEREAS, on October 6, 2020, the Metropolitan Council held its first in-person meeting since March 17 and the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions; and

WHEREAS, the in-person Council meetings held in October, November, and December would not have been possible without the generosity and hospitality of the Music City Center (MCC) leadership and staff; and

WHEREAS, the Music City Center leadership allowed the Council to turn the Davidson Ballroom into a reproduction of the David Scobey Council Chamber for Councilmembers, Council and ITS staff, and members of the public to conduct committee and Council meetings; and

WHEREAS, the MCC has put in place protocols to ensure a safe and sanitary environment, ensuring compliance with CDC guidelines, federal, state, and local mandates, and public health advancements; and

WHEREAS, the health and safety guidelines put in place by the MCC include physical distancing, screening protocols including temperature checks, hand sanitizers throughout the facility, frequent cleaning and sanitization of commonly contacted surfaces, and prioritized air quality including MERV 13 air filters (comparable to healthcare facilities); and

WHEREAS, the MCC is an important institution in Nashville which has had an economic impact of over $2.5 billion and has hosted more than 3.8 million attendees since opening in 2013, and has hosted nearly 400 non-profit groups, has invested over $17 million in contracts with Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), and has donated over 266,000 pounds of food to the Nashville Rescue Mission; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper that the Metropolitan Council recognizes the Music City Center, its leadership, and its staff for their assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic and thanks them for their service to...

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