A resolution approving Amendment Number 1 to a sole source agreement between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and Vanderbilt University for partnering services for a Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) grant from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT).
WHEREAS, RS2023-1937 approved the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure’s (NDOT) application for a Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) grant from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) for an award amount of $2,000,000, with no cash match required, to use video and other sensor data to identify safety issues outside of traditional crash reports, implement targeted safety measures, and evaluate these measures in downtown Nashville’s complex multimodal environment; and,
WHEREAS, RS2023-2382 approved an intergovernmental agreement between the Metropolitan Government, by and through NDOT, and the USDOT, for the acceptance of the SMART Grant from USDOT to NDOT to install LiDAR and video camera technologies at key intersections and mid-block segments for “near-miss” data collection; and,
WHEREAS, following the acceptance of the SMART Grant, the Metropolitan Government entered into a sole source agreement with Vanderbilt University, valued at less than $250,000, to provide partnering services for the SMART Grant aimed at improving multimodal transportation safety; and,
WHEREAS, as set forth in Amendment Number 1, attached hereto, the parties now desire to increase the value of the contract beyond $250,000; and,
WHEREAS, Section 4.12.060 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws calls for Council approval by resolution of sole source contracts with a total contract amount in excess of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00); and,
WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of the citizens of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that the amendment to the contract be approved.
Section 1. That Amendment Number 1 to the sole source contract between the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County and Vanderbilt University, attached hereto and incorporated herein, is hereby approved.
Section 3. That this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Agenda Analysis
This resolution approves the first amendment to a sole source agreement between the Metropolitan Government (“Metro”) and Vanderbilt University (“Vanderbilt”). The agreement provides for partnering services for a Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (“SMART”) grant from the United States Department of Transportation (“USDOT”).
Pursuant to Resolution No. RS2023-1937, the Council approved an application for a SMART grant to use video and other sensor data to identify safety issues outside of traditional crash reports, implement targeted safety measures, and evaluate these measures in downtown Nashville and North Nashville. The Council later accepted the grant and approved an intergovernmental agreement between Metro and USDOT to install LiDAR and video camera technologies at key intersections and mid-block segments for “near-miss” data collection through Resolution No. RS2023-2382. Metro then entered a sole source agreement with Vanderbilt valued at $175,000 to partner to implement the SMART grant through a public website, pilot location testing, and data evaluation.
The proposed amendment increases funding for the contract with Vanderbilt by $175,000, for a total contract value of $350,000, and adds additional services, including design changes to address connectivity issues and incorporation of the best possible location for sensors and cabling, and updates to the installed LiDAR sensors to more effectively identify vehicles. The amendment updates Exhibit A - Pricing Details to reflect the updated costs.
Sole source contracts may be awarded under the Metro procurement code when it is determined that there is only one source for the supply or services rendered. Section 4.12.060 of the Metro Code requires all sole source contracts having a total value in excess of $250,000 to be approved by the Council by resolution with 21 affirmative votes. The proposed amendment increases the contract value by $175,000 from $175,000 to $350,000, which brings the sole source contract value over $250,000 and triggers the requirement for Council approval.
According to the sole source justification form, the services are provided by Vanderbilt specifically for the SMART grant in partnership with state and local authorities.
Fiscal Note: This amendment increases the estimated contract value of sole source contract 6562729 with Vanderbilt University by $175,000 for a revised contract amount of $350,000 to be paid from Fund 40442, Business Unit 42440700. However, actual expenses may be paid from various department’s fund and business units when purchase orders are issued.