File #: RS2020-691   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/3/2020 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 12/15/2020 Final action: 12/15/2020
Title: A resolution approving a participation agreement between the University of Tennessee and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Department of Water and Sewerage Services for the development of an Urban Waters Report Card.
Sponsors: Kyonzte Toombs, Bob Nash, Joy Styles
Attachments: 1. RS2020-691 Agreement


A resolution approving a participation agreement between the University of Tennessee and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Department of Water and Sewerage Services for the development of an Urban Waters Report Card.


WHEREAS, in 2019, the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County (“MWS”) and a group of municipal separate storm sewer system (“MS4”) communities with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (“TDEC”) initiated a conversation about developing an Urban Waters Report Card (“UWRC”), with the primary goal to provide MS4 permittees with an assessment tool to incrementally grade the quality of their streams; and,

WHEREAS, stream quality will be determined by a collective set of indicator parameters as established by the members of a working group comprised of MS4 permittees including the Counties of Shelby, Hamilton and Knox; and the Cities of Chattanooga, Memphis, Knoxville and Nashville and the Tennessee Stormwater Association; and,

WHEREAS, research is needed to fulfil the obligation of MWS for effective management of their stormwater program, and research can be cost effectively implemented through the collective effort of major MS4s in the state of Tennessee; and,

WHEREAS, it is the purpose of this Participation Agreement to define projects and task orders for water research and outreach coordination funds to support MWS with their stormwater management program; and,

WHEREAS, MWS agrees to pay no more than $15,000.00 per year, not to exceed $35,000.00 for the agreement period, with costs detailed in the work orders established between UTK and MWS; and,

WHEREAS, Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 12-9-104(a)(2)(b), authorizes the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to approve an agreement with a political subdivision of the state by resolution; and,

WHEREAS, it is in the interest of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County that this participation be approved.


Section 1.                     That the participation agreement between the University of Tennessee and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, through the Department of Water and Sewerage Services, attached hereto and incorporated herein, for the development of an Urban Waters Report Card, is hereby approved, and that the Director of Metro Water and Sewerage Services is authorized to execute the same.

Section 2.                     Fifteen thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) per year, not to exceed $35,000.00 for the agreement period, from MWS is available in Fund No. 67431 to pay as a contribution toward the project.

Section 3.                      That this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.


Agenda Analysis



This resolution approves a participation agreement between the University of Tennessee (UTK) and the Metro Water Services Department (MWS) for the development of an Urban Waters Report Card (UWRC).


In 2019, a group of municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) communities and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) initiated a conversation about the development of an UWRC. The goal of the UWRC is to provide MS4 permittees with a tool to assess and grade the quality of their streams. A working group comprised of MS4 permitees including the Counties of Shelby, Hamilton, and Knox, and the Cities of Chattanooga, Memphis, Knoxville, and Nashville and the Tennessee Stormwater Association has been established.


Under the participation agreement, UTK agrees to perform research in order to assist MWS in the development of an UWRC. The budget of this project will not exceed $35,000 for the agreement period or $15,000 per year. The term of the agreement begins upon approval of the Council and terminates on December 31, 2023.


Fiscal Note: Metro Water Services will pay $15,000 per year from Fund No. 67431 for a period of three years for a total of $35,000.