A resolution authorizing the Metropolitan Department of Law to compromise and settle the personal injury claim of Stephanie Alexander against the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County in the amount of $40,000.00, and that said amount be paid out of the Self-Insured Liability Fund.
WHEREAS, on February 22, 2024, a Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) work truck struck Stephanie Alexander’s 2017 Jeep Cherokee, causing injury to her; and,
WHEREAS, after investigation, the Metropolitan Department of Law believes that the settlement listed in Section 1 is fair and reasonable and in the best interest of the Metropolitan Government, and recommends that any and all claims or causes of action that Stephanie Alexander brought or could have brought related to the events detailed above be compromised and settled for $40,000.00, and that this amount be paid from the Self-Insured Liability Fund.
Section 1: The Metropolitan Department of Law is authorized to compromise and settle the personal injury claim of Stephanie Alexander for the sum of $40,000.00, with said amount to be paid from the Self-Insured Liability Fund.
Section 2: This resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Agenda Analysis
On February 22, 2024, an employee of the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (“NDOT”) backed a pickup truck out of an alley onto Morena Street. The NDOT truck collided with a Jeep Cherokee driven by Stephanie Alexander. Ms. Alexander’s vehicle received damage to the passenger side doors, wheels, and front bumper area.
Ms. Alexander went to this hospital after the collision with complaints of head and neck pain, back pain, and pain on the right side of her face with tingling in both legs. A CT scan was ordered, and she was prescribed medication for her pain. Ms. Alexander was instructed to undergo physical therapy to mitigate pain and swelling.
The parties have participated in settlement negotiations and have agreed upon the settlement amount of $40,000, subject to approval from the Metropolitan Council. The Department of Law recommends settlement of Mr. Smith’s negligence claim for $40,000.
Disciplinary action against the NDOT employee involved is pending supervisor review.
Fiscal Note: The total settlement amount is $40,000. This would be the 22nd payment after approval by Metropolitan Council from the Self-Insured Liability Fund in FY25 for a cumulative total of $1,250,787. The fund balance would be $12,544,618 after this payment.