A resolution adopting a new pay plan for employees of the Metropolitan Departments of Police and Fire, effective July 1, 2024.
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Civil Service Commission has, pursuant to Section 12.10 of the Metropolitan Charter, assigned each employment classification to a salary grade as of July 1, 2024, with such assignments being equitably related to each other; and
WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission has adopted the salary ranges for each grade; and
WHEREAS, the Director of Personnel for the Civil Service Commission has recommended, after the Commission’s approval, desirable salary ranges for each grade to the Director of Finance; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to RS2023-2197, a one-year pay plan was approved by the Metropolitan Council to go into effect on July 1, 2023; and
WHEREAS, the pay plan adopted pursuant to RS2023-2197 included increment pay increases earned at various time intervals, which the Metropolitan Government proposes to continue; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Government further proposes that employees who are paid pursuant to open pay ranges be eligible to receive merit pay increases at Appointing Authority discretion; and
WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission has recommended that the pay scales included in the pay plan adopted pursuant to RS2023-2197 should be modified by applying a cost-of-living increase as of July 1, 2024; and
WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission also recognizes the need to make further adjustments to the following grades, for equity and competitive purposes, by increasing salaries for these grade levels: ST05, ST06, PS01, PS02; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec. 12.10 of the Metropolitan Charter, the Civil Service Commission has created the new employment classifications for this pay plan of Criminal Intelligence Analyst 1, Criminal Intelligence Analyst 2, Criminal Intelligence Unit Manager, Criminal Intelligence Unit Supervisor, Helicopter Mechanic, Helicopter Maintenance Supervisor, Police Assistant Chief, Public Information Coordinator, and Public Information Representative, necessitating the need to amend the pay plan adopted pursuant to RS2023-2197 by adding these classifications; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 12.10 of the Metropolitan Charter, having been advised of its full budgetary implications, the Mayor has modified and approved the plan attached as Exhibit A, such modifications not affecting the relationships between the grades approved by the Civil Service Commission, and recommends its adoption, as modified, by the Metropolitan Council.
Section 1: The pay plan adopted pursuant to RS2023-2197 and which went into effect on July 1, 2023, for employees of the Metropolitan Departments of Police and Fire, from and after July 1, 2024, shall be as provided in Exhibit A. Exhibit A reflects a cost-of-living increase in the amount of 3.5% and the continuation of step increment adjustments. Exhibit A is incorporated into this Resolution as if fully set out herein.
Section 2: The pay plan adopted pursuant to RS2023-2197 and which went into effect on July 1, 2023, for the employees of the Metropolitan Departments of Police and Fire, from and after July 1, 2024, shall include the positions of:
Classification Class Number Grade
Criminal Intelligence Analyst 1 11327 OR04
Criminal Intelligence Analyst 2 11328 OR06
Criminal Intelligence Unit Manager 11330 OR10
Criminal Intelligence Unit Supervisor 11329 OR08
Helicopter Mechanic 11332 TG17
Helicopter Maintenance Supervisor 11331 TS15
Police Assistant Chief 11344 PS10
Public Information Coordinator 10132 OR06
Public Information Representative 07384 OR04
Section 3: Additional funding shall be provided to each department in the amount of 3% of that department’s total annual open range salary budget so that employees in Open Range pay classifications will have the opportunity to receive merit-based salary increases, at the discretion of the Appointing Authority, as reflected in Exhibit A. Eligibility for Open Range salary increases for FY25 will become effective as of July 1, 2024.
Section 4: Upon the adoption of the pay plan attached as Exhibit A and upon it becoming effective, the pay plan adopted pursuant to RS2023-2197 is hereby repealed.
Section 5: This Resolution shall take effect on July 1, 2024, the welfare of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.
Agenda Analysis
This resolution is the pay plan for the Police and Fire departments to take effect July 1, 2024. The primary effect of this resolution would be to continue the pay plan, continue increment pay, provide a 3.5% cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA), and provide for the possibility of merit pay increases for open range employees. Step increases known as “increments” are pay increases for certain employment classifications on a six-month, one year, eighteen month, or two year interval, depending upon the position. In addition to step increases, the equivalent of an additional 3% merit pay increase would be available for open range employees that do not receive increments. The amount of individual raises for open range employees are determined by department heads. The pay plan contemplates that open range employees are to be paid based upon merit, not length of service.
Per section 12.10 of the Charter, pay plans may not be amended by the Council except by making uniform modifications of all employment grades (because the relationship between pay grades must remain the same under the Charter). The pay plan amendments submitted by this resolution have been approved by the Civil Service Commission, Finance Director, and the Mayor.