File #: RS2020-687   
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/4/2020 In control: Metropolitan Council
On agenda: 12/15/2020 Final action: 12/15/2020
Title: A resolution authorizing the Metropolitan Department of Law to compromise and settle the personal injury claim of Ryan Ingram in the amount of $10,000.00, with said amount to be paid out of the Self-Insured Liability Fund.
Sponsors: Kyonzte Toombs
Attachments: 1. RS2020-687 Letter to Clerk


A resolution authorizing the Metropolitan Department of Law to compromise and settle the personal injury claim of Ryan Ingram in the amount of $10,000.00, with said amount to be paid out of the Self-Insured Liability Fund.


WHEREAS, on June 6, 2018, while Ryan Ingram was working security for the Nashville Country Music Association, a hydraulic gate was lowered onto his foot by a Metropolitan Nashville Police officer, resulting in personal injury to Mr. Ingram; and,

WHEREAS, after investigation, the Metropolitan Department of Law believes that the settlement listed in Section 1 is fair and reasonable and in the best interest of the Metropolitan Government and recommends that any and all claims or causes of action brought or that could have been brought by Ryan Ingram related to the events detailed above, be compromised and settled for $10,000.00, and that this amount be paid from the Self-Insured Liability Fund.


Section 1:                       The Metropolitan Department of Law is authorized to compromise and settle the personal injury claim of Ryan Ingram for the sum of $10,000.00 with said amount to be paid from the Self-Insured Liability Fund.

Section 2:                       This resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.

Agenda Analysis



This resolution authorizes the Department of Law to settle the personal injury claim of Ryan Ingram against the Metropolitan Government for the amount of $10,000 to be paid from the self-insured liability fund. On June 8, 2018, Mr. Ingram was working as an outdoor private security guard for the Country Music Association Awards. Two Metro police officers were assigned to operate a hydraulic gate on First Avenue used as a barricade. One of the officers lowered the gate to allow a car to pass, and the gate landed on Mr. Ingram’s foot causing injuries to his toes. Mr. Ingram’s medical bills total $4,475.


The Department of Law recommends settling this claim for $10,000 since the police officer would likely be found negligent for failing to give an audible warning before lowering the gate. The officer involved is no longer employed by MNPD.


Fiscal Note: This $10,000 settlement, along with the settlement per Resolution No. RS2020-690, would be the 20th and 21st payments from the Self-Insured Liability Fund in FY21 for a cumulative total of $1,400,369. The fund balance would be $1,644,859 after these payments.